Saturday, February 22, 2014

Howard County Public School System Changes

This is an open letter to all the Howard County (HoCo) residents especially those of you who have connections with the public school system. In this letter you will find facts, dates and at the bottom my own views about the whole situation. Also I would like to disclaim here that these are my own opinions (mother of one Elementary one middle school students and a long time active HoCo school volunteer) on the subject. Furthermore they are not written to please anyone nor will they be gentle or very forgiving as these changes involve my children’s educational future. I also didn’t use any of the teacher’s names to protect them from what may happen to those who were kind enough to inform us yet if any of them would be persecuted or prosecuted because of this I would do everything in my power to defend them, if the need be, at a tribunal. Yes, I do see how ironic and scary this statement is alone.

Let’s start from the facts;

·         We have one of the best – if not the best - music programs in the USA as a country.
·         Well-known fact we used art in education and communication for the last 40000 years and it is demonstrated to be therapeutic for those who needed it and the easiest form of communication and education for those receiving it.
·         Another well-known fact is nothing in this world works as many parts of your brain as music. Just listening to music works 10 different parts of your brain simultaneously, if you playing music this number goes much higher. (Interested?  Please search Oxford journals, AMA journals, BMJ to name but a few, or have a quick chat with neuroscientist.)
·         Our children are lucky that they go to various field trips – most probably not enough, but still - and get to LEARN about their country, their own region, learn how to travel in a group, social skills, etiquette, history, science, math and hundreds of other things during their field trips. Many educators and studies agree that these learnings stay with them for life. (For a quick test see how much of the lessons vs how much of the field trips you remember from your own school days?)
·         January 30th: I have been approached by three music teachers telling me that there were new changes coming to the music program, and informed me about the HoCo board of education (BoE) meeting. During this meeting Dr. Foose, the current superintendent for HoCo, avoided any questions about the changes with rather rudeness and dismissiveness.  When the issue of GT classes and the rest of the current pull-out classes brought-up in this new suggested system the answer was, “Oh, school administrators will take care of this.” We are all curious if they will be given magic wands to conjure more time to implement these changes, and how any administrator can be so far from the reality going on in our schools?
·         February 3rd I have been approached by 4 other music teachers from different schools and they have expressed their fear about losing already tight schedule they have with the children, to nothingness. Their twice-a-week classes going down to once a week as well as 45 minutes down to 30 minutes.
·         February 5th I got calls from few Elementary GT teachers telling me about the mess they have left as with the new suggested curriculum they will not be allow to take out children from lessons – new common core (CC) doesn’t allow pull-outs - and they are NOT qualified to teach science which, new  CC would require. All of the teachers I spoke with were frustrated, furious and very concerned about this currently successful program’s future.
·         February 10th: I got to meet with 9 different teachers (from, arts, and GT departments) as well as 6 more with over the phone to talk about how we can be proactively talk to the board and let them listen to our concerns.  At this point the teacher’s union started actively worked with the Howard County parents for music education (HCPSM)
·         February 14th I have been told that none of the teachers can talk to me – or any other parent - about the situation, as they do so their employment will be in jeopardy.
·         February 18th HCPSM called for a meeting where things discussed at length.  The aftermath of this discussion encouraged a few of the public thinkers within us to share what is going on with the world.
·         February 20th those people who informed us are being threatened in various stages and some of them had to make amended statements against their real will.
These are the chronological facts as I lived.

Now I shall move to the proposed changes;

 Vision 2018: Fulfilling the Promise of Preparation a reality.  The model includes:
  • Pre-Kindergarten - A full day PreK program for eligible students will be offered at each participating school.
  • Departmentalization - Teachers will specialize in English Language Arts/Social Studies or Mathematics/Science/Health or Fine Arts, PE, or Media/Technology.
  • World Language - Instruction in Spanish will be offered to students beginning in PreK through Grade 2.
  • Strengths Development - Students will focus on developing their strengths and come to view effective effort, motivation, and persistence as the means to academic success and well-being….

And here are my questions about these changes starting from the Elementary Schools;

Pre-Kindergarten Many of the Howard County Elementary Schools already in portables - not ideal places of education as it stands, and a bit of a shame for the 4th richest county in one of the richest countries in the world. The first question comes to mind is space. Simply where will all these small children seek lessons?  Shall we add some more portables? As we seem to getting rid of the recess altogether we can fill the whole field with them I suppose. Another simple and daily question any parent or a teacher would ask, if they were kept in the portable; who will take these children to and from the bathroom? They will need a person just for that. Let’s think about security for a minute, or implementation brought on the art teachers while there is not a curriculum available to teach these students as well as in reality no arts teacher in HoCo elementary school is actually qualified to teach Pre-K?
Departmentalization Remember,  there will be neither pull-outs nor any elementary GT teachers qualified to teach science the future of our successful GT program’s future is rather bleak.
Moving to day-to-day lessons; we have usually have over 20 kids in any given classroom with rather different levels. Let’s put them all in one class and watch. Will the teacher adjust her curricula for the lower level children therefore the higher level children on that subject will be bored and not learn much, or will the teacher design the lessons to higher levels consequently those who are not so good on that subject will be left behind. How about keeping things in the middle? This way neither of the spectrum children will learn much at all.
Music program: This is where it hurts me most. We have music program to be proud of. Yes, even if your children are not playing an instrument at the moment with the new program all the children have to choose either chorus, strings, or band. Not a bad thing you may say. But let me remind you that instead of twice a week lessons there will be only one and that is mere 30 minutes.  So there will be about 30-40 kids in one room. You really don’t have to be a music teacher nor even have anything to do with music to realise that in that short time you CANNOT even tune the instruments never mind teaching them to play. Besides, I am really curious where all these instruments will be coming? As it stands even with 10- 15 kids in each class quite a few of the students have to share an instrument. Yes, during a concert they take turns to play. Remember most of the title one school children borrow their instrument from the school system. So according to this new proposed system those who can afford will take their children to private lessons with privately rented/bought instruments those who cannot just sit there and ponder. Again you don’t have to be a Superintendent to see the huge unfairness this will create between children. Of course the effects of this will directly upset our music programs in middle and high school programs. But I shall talk about that later.
World Language: As a mother who speaks 5 languages I support this program whole-heartedly but not by sacrificing the others. I wonder if this can be addressed by making the school day for Elementary schools say starting at 8am and going until 4pm.  Or why we are trying to reinvent the wheel? Within our own state there are foreign language immersion programs that are rather successfully being run for years. How about opening some of those for our own county? Also it surprises me the choice of languages Spanish –one would hope that BoE knows that majority of our children’s first language is Spanish so don’t you think this would be little redundant? - The second language chosen is Chinese. I would love to hear the reasons behind this, too.
Strengths Development: Again it is rather important point I do support whole-heartedly. Yet we all noticed that neither by MSA’s or most “standardized” testing is far from evaluating this. It is also known by many of us they are nowhere near to help the teachers or the students to achieve any of the suggested topics.

The rest of my thoughts are about the changes that will affect Pre-K to 12th grade;

Extended Day Field Trip
These are some of the  proposed changes;
2 b. Extended Day Field Trip – the duration of the trip is no longer than 12 hours. The planned return time should be no later than 9:00 p.m. when school is in session the next day. A planned return time no later than 5:00 p.m. is strongly advised for grades 4 and below.
3. The amount of time spent traveling to and from the destination shall not exceed one-half of the total time planned for the field trip. …

What this means to our children; this change has the potential to impact a number of band trips. Please let the BOE know how these changes could negatively impact our instrumental music programs. If this is approved events like middle school bands playing at High-school matches will be only but a distant memory. Spring and winter Concerts for elementary schools as well as String-a-pooloza concerts, music in the park or similar programs will be discarded if this will be approved.
Here let’s take another point; Even if your child isn’t in band or strings program, please think this for a moment; although I do not have a child in high school I go to see my child or their friends from middle school to play during the games. Get to meet with the high school parents that I haven’t met before; I go out and about much later than I usually would, so there are people in the neighborhood. Kids, coaches, teachers, and the parents acquainted with each other.  This is called building a community, creating a safe environment for us all. I promise you this is cheaper, more effective, and much more desirable than having police cars patrolling our streets all the time.

Needless to say, when the time comes and our children apply to enter a university or for scholarship I would be very surprise to hear if they would ever asked “let’s see how was your reading and math?” –I want to assure you I am not denying the importance of having a strong basis, just pointing out how important to have it all- to give you a place or scholarship. I would think they would be more interested how rounded an individual you are and what you can bring to their faculty as a good student as well as good musician, artist, sportsman, etc
Change and growth are good and necessary things for survival, yet growth or change for the sake of growth or change only happens in cancer in the organic matter and is NEVER a useful thing.

In a nutshell

Now do pardon my skepticism if I look like I do not trust the BoE to represent us. After all, aren’t these people chosen by us to represent us?  Yet it worries me that they don’t seem to know their powers in the political hierarchy. They are feeling helpless against the new implementations of the Superintendent.  As a board they come above the Superintendent. Their first job is to protect or improve my children’s educational future.  Thus far, they seem to have failed us on this front. The Superintendent herself since day one - seemed to me- more interested in proving herself than working with the community she is appointed and improving things for that community.  She is –least to say- arrogant towards the public she is supposed to be serving.
Yes, not RULING but SERVING!


  1. The scariest part is the secrecy and intimidation of teachers. As a former music teacher I can tell you that these cuts WILL destroy the music programs. As a parent who homeschooled for 11 years rather than get into this system (but who was forced to do so by circumstances this year) it makes me wish I could run and take my kids right back out. Arne Duncan style arrogance won't fly in this county. Dr. Fosse AND the Board needs to remember she serves at the pleasure of our Board and not the other way around.

    1. People will move their kids out of the schools, and/or move to different counties. What I cannot understand is why take away the part of education we have that is actually working and have been for quite a few years. Is it possible that one's ego comes before one's sens of duty?

  2. Wow! Go for it. What a piece to start your blog out! I encourage you to submit your blog to -- it's free to be listed -- and to use the locally focused tags in your post when you write about specific-to-hoco concerns.

    1. Thank you very much Jessie,
      As I mentioned I really am not a blogger, but I just couldn't keep this to myself nor could easily share it with my friends on FB without pages and pages long post. I took your word and did post it to the list, too.
      Thank you very much for the advice and your kind words.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There is a CCSS forum sponsored by PTAHC tonight, while I doubt that the music program and departmentalization will be topics Common Core and PARCC testing will be discussed. Dr. Foose and Dr. Lowrey were both invited to attend but last I heard declined the invitation...

    1. Common Core is another topic trying to be implemented on our children without properly discussed with the people who will be effected it most, i.e. the educators and the parents. The forcefulness and their I said it and it shall be done kind of attitude is making us all nervous. It is a big shame if the people cannot trust their own elected politicians.
      Thank you for taking the time to share the event and your views.

  4. While I share neither the passion nor the perspective you have on this subject, I see this matter from another lens: generational theory. One of the the important communities, imo, to self educate about generational theory is teachers, school administrators and BoE members. The generation that the schools THINK they are teaching is the one they *have been* teaching for over 20 years, but as generations are always about 20 years in length, that means the next generation is already rising into childhood. They are already in the first few grades of elementary school and this particular generation, in generational archetype language is called the ARTIST GENERATION. This particular version of the Artist generation is known as the Homeland gen; their predecessors were the Silent generation (born 1925 - 1942).

    The Artist generation is the gen that is the most sensitive, nuanced, aware of the minority perspective. They always are the greatest civil rights generation, but while not violent and passionate like Boomers/Prophets, nor united and collectively powerful like Millennials/Heroes, they express much of their perspective and desire through change through song and art. They are the generational archetype that provided the music that the Boomer generation owned as their coming-of-age change-the-world music through which their generation (well half of it) so deeply identified ... and which is identified with their call for social change in the mid-'60s. But the music *creators* were mostly the Silent/Artist gen.

    So, I say all of this because if there was EVER a generation in the four-part, cyclical realm of generations marching through time, it's the Artist generation that would benefit from and need music education as part of their young, developmental years. That's my two cents on the subject.

  5. Oh, and GenXers (the Nomad generation) express and affect change through pragmatism and "making things suck less." GenXers are the dominant parental influence generation shaping the Homeland/Artist's childhood years. And GenXers are about the market transaction in most any situation or deal, including school choice, where to live, where to work, or not. Other generations often perceive GenXers as "not loyal," but that's because GenXers are *loyal to the transaction* and what they are or aren't getting out of a situation. This is borne of the predominant GenX mindset that deeply understands institutions don't have/never had/never will have their backs, and so the decisions they make -- including keeping their kid in a school system, or not -- stem muchly from that perspective.

    I do offer that the primary problem here that the schools don't even know that they are facing, for the most part, is that they have become so accustomed to teaching the Millennial children of Boomer (and then GenX) parents, that they're thinking is to keep supporting that vision and what's best from what they've learned. When the truth is otherwise. An entirely new generation is entering schools across the nation, and a different generational mindset of parents is dominant now. "Getting that," getting educated about it and adapting quickly will work best for all. :-)

  6. Here is the petition for you to show your support;

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You are not alone. See how this petition shared many concerns at and check out The People's Voice endorsed boe candidates. please share your own choices for boe candidates in the primary election this April.
